Motion Graphics

Most of my motion graphics work is for in-game content, designed for LED ribbon boards. The goal is to create high-energy pieces with bold contrast so that everyone in the stadium can see it.

“You Play 9 Innings!”

  • One of the Mariners’ relief pitchers, Taylor Saucedo, was on the Injured List, and streaming on Twitch during his rehab. During the stream, he watched the team score late in the game to take the lead, and passionately delivered this quote.

    As it began to perform well on social media, our team decided to create an in-park energy video from it, to capitalize on the traction it had gained with the fans.

  • The turnaround for this project was just a couple of days, as our next home game was just around the corner. Given that Saucedo had been streaming on Twitch, I used the some color palette as the site, and recreated some basic elements from it as well.

    I built everything myself, from the text animation to the chat scroll and emoji bursts.

  • This piece was immediately popular. After playing in-park the first time, the Mariners came from behind to win, late in the game, and the video caught fire once again on social media. Taylor Saucedo himself pitched right before we ran it in-park, resulting in himself, media, and our general manager making several positive comments and jokes about it the following day.

Desktop Rally

  • Approached with the idea of creating a video that 'tricks' fans into thinking our boards have crashed, and booting back up to rally the fans, I set out to recreate classic Windows elements that we all know too well.

  • I decided to blend different eras of Microsoft Windows elements, taking classic and recognizable features from each OS (screensaver bubbles, blue screen reboot, taskbar, reboot sound, rolling hills background etc).

    I rebuilt everything you see from scratch, besides grabbing stills of Spotify and Powerpoint for my plates. All animations are recreated based on how they look in real-life.

    Then it just came down to hitting the right beats and timing, to allow for a believable 'crash' of our systems, in-park, and the frantic recovery to play music and send the fans a message.

  • Several videos from fans' perspectives have gained enormous, organic traction on social media. Garnering over 12 million views in the span of a week.

    The reception from fans in our local community, but also on a national level have helped grow our brand, and showcase the in-game experience we curate at T-Mobile Park.